Be Convincing (or die trying)

Meet Top DC Publicist Adele Cehrs and Former FBI Hostage Negotiator Chip Massey Co-Founders of the Convincing Company

Remake Your Work Image Online Workshop

Is Not Knowing What’s Holding You Back… Holding You Back?

If you are a Director, Vice President, SVP or even in the C-suite, good for you! Your hard work has paid off–so far. But now, it feels like something’s keeping you from reaching that next level of success and you don’t know what, or why.

Our Webinar Is the First Step to Reaching Your True Professional Potential.

Watch Former FBI Hostage Negotiator Chip Massey and Communications Expert Adele Cehrs

Sign up for our bi-weekly Convincing Techniques to get more of what you want in life and in business.


Looking for speakers who are engaging, entertaining and fun? We love speaking to groups about the power of convincing. If you would like to discuss your upcoming event, book a call and let’s chat!


With our consulting services, we choose areas which are of highest priority and create a detailed game plan. The areas we may deal with include making the most out of your professional network, convincing the media you are the go-to source for your industry, following-up on leads with high-level persuasion techniques, establishing your Executive Brand Voice, crisis management, and more.

We generally choose three areas of focus. Then, we provide a template with specific tasks and completion dates, and we establish formal schedules for those completion dates.

Satisfied Clients

Ryan Klang,

“My only regret is not calling Adele and Chip sooner. They always find the quickest way to solve the most difficult issues. I highly recommend this team of experts.”

Ryan Klang,
Chief of Staff, The Washington Center
Victor Vasquez,

“They took a major issue and turned it into a whisper.”

Victor Vasquez,
Chief Operating Officer, DC Bar. COO, DC Bar Association
Jemilah Senter,

“Adele and Chip really helped me figure out my career trajectory, establish goals and talk about my accomplishments like I never did before. I was finally recognized for my contribution and amazing talent. I highly recommend them.”

Jemilah Senter,
Menchu Mendiola,

“I love working with Adele and Chip! I can tell you as an executive in a nonprofit and a marketer myself, I always made my branding less of a priority. Now, I look at things differently and make sure to focus not just on my current successes, but my future plans as well.”

Menchu Mendiola,
Chief Marketing Officer 
Rick Harris

“Adele and Chip are the best at what they do. Everything they said would happen, happened. They are always two to three steps ahead in terms of response strategies. They are the best – period.”

Rick Harris,
Albert DiBernardo

“Negotiation skills are an imperative for leadership agility whether in one-on-one pivotal meetings, senior executive meetings or instituting organizational change in your industry.In this workshop, Chip teaches the skillset necessary to effectively negotiate in critical situations. The workshop allows on to advance their skills beyond what is typically taught. Chip is an excellent instructor and role model for better understanding the personal and professional attributes necessary for successful outcomes in business and elsewhere.”

Albert DiBernardo,
PE, ICF-ACC, Independent BOD Director, Former President of TAMS Consultants, Inc., Adjunct Prof of Leadership at NYU
 Gillian Segal

“This workshop equips participants with valuable tools for both their business and personal lives. We engaged in a live action hostage negotiation role-play exercise, which really helped utilize the principles taught in the beginning of the workshop. Who knew you could learn so much from negotiating with a hostage taker?”

Gillian Segal, JD,
author of “GETTING THERE: A Book of Mentors” and “New York Characters”
John Lynn

“As someone who deals with a variety of high-pressure situations multiple times a day, I really appreciated the workshop led by Chip Massey and Adele Cehrs. There is clear value in getting instruction from a former FBI hostage negotiator on how to optimize crisis conditions present, use rapport and trust building to favorably influence events and people. I was so impressed by the content and teaching method we brought them into our company to provide the same workshop to our teams and clients. I highly recommend them!”

John Lynn,
Accelerator Founder and Thought Leader         
Bryan Lawrence

“The Crisis Negotiation Workshop will show you how hostage negotiators build trust and de-escalate anger in others in a high-stakes negotiation. These are fascinating skills that are useful in business and in life.”

Bryan Lawrence,
Yorktown Partners
Marie Incontrera

“The workshop taught me valuable trust-building and emotional intelligence skills in real-time. The simulated hostage negotiation brilliantly puts theory into practice.”

Marie Incontrera,
2x TEDx Speaker, Author, (TEDx, social media, podcast), entrepreneur Author, entrepreneur, and speaker (TEDx, social media, podcasts)

Media Coverage

Be Convincing!

Being convincing is a requirement for success in business and in life. After working with us, we guarantee you will have the tools you need to handle your next opportunity. Your time is now.